Pablo Picasso


The beginning of the synthetic cubism period. In May 1912, Picasso creates his first collage Still-life with Chair Caning In the beginning of the summer he goes back Sere again, but this time with Eva. Trips to Avignon and Sorgues. In July, Georges Braque and his wife arrive to Sorgues. In September he goes to Paris to move the studio from Bateau Lavoir to Montparnasse, to Boulevard Raspail, 242. Then he returns to Sorgues. He starts working in the new studio in October, where he creates still-lives-installations from various objects and paper collages, mixing reality and art. In winter he goes to Sere and Barcelona.
Pablo Picasso. Guitar, Sheet Music, and Glass
Guitar, Sheet Music, and Glass (4000)
Pablo Picasso. Violin Hanging on the Wall
Violin Hanging on the Wall (4008)
Pablo Picasso. `I love Eva` Guitar
`I love Eva` Guitar (2841)
Pablo Picasso. Musical Instruments
Musical Instruments (93)
Pablo Picasso. Violin and Newspaper
Violin and Newspaper (4002)
Pablo Picasso. Violon Jolie Eva
Violon Jolie Eva (2813)
Pablo Picasso. Head of a man with hat
Head of a man with hat (4010)
Pablo Picasso. Violon et raisins
Violon et raisins (2782)
Pablo Picasso. Nude, I love Eva
Nude, I love Eva (90)
Pablo Picasso. Violin
Violin (89)
Pablo Picasso. Bottle of Pernod (Table in a Cafe)
Bottle of Pernod (Table in a Cafe) (92)
Pablo Picasso. Compotier avec fruits, violon et verre
Compotier avec fruits, violon et verre (2906)
Pablo Picasso. Guitar on a table II
Guitar on a table II (2898)
Pablo Picasso. Guitar
Guitar (2539)
Pablo Picasso. Still life with chair caned
Still life with chair caned (2798)
Pablo Picasso. Still Life with newspaper
Still Life with newspaper (2936)
Pablo Picasso. Guitar, glass and pipe
Guitar, glass and pipe (2784)
Pablo Picasso. Green guitar that extends
Green guitar that extends (2807)
Pablo Picasso. Guitar and music sheet
Guitar and music sheet (2831)
Pablo Picasso. Bec a gas and guitar
Bec a gas and guitar (2957)
Pablo Picasso. Bottle, glass and newspaper on a table
Bottle, glass and newspaper on a table (2911)
Pablo Picasso. Man with Guitar
Man with Guitar (2994)
Pablo Picasso. Bottle of Bass and Guitar
Bottle of Bass and Guitar (2943)
Pablo Picasso. Drink and playing cards
Drink and playing cards (2984)
Pablo Picasso. Violon
Violon (2837)
Pablo Picasso. Musical instruments
Musical instruments (2856)
Pablo Picasso. Bottle of Bass guitar ace of clubs
Bottle of Bass guitar ace of clubs (2783)
Pablo Picasso. [Man with Guitar] Male violin
[Man with Guitar] Male violin (2796)
Pablo Picasso. Violon, partition et journal
Violon, partition et journal (2988)
Pablo Picasso. Guitar
Guitar (2960)
Pablo Picasso. The Restaurant: Turkey with Truffles and Wine
The Restaurant: Turkey with Truffles and Wine (91)
Pablo Picasso. Guitar, Glass, Bottle of old brandy
Guitar, Glass, Bottle of old brandy (2862)
Pablo Picasso. Man with Guitar
Man with Guitar (2781)
Pablo Picasso. The pigeon
The pigeon (2871)
Pablo Picasso. Guitar green and pink
Guitar green and pink (2795)
Pablo Picasso. Violon, verre, pipe et encrier
Violon, verre, pipe et encrier (2804)
Pablo Picasso. Man with Guitar
Man with Guitar (2842)
Pablo Picasso. Bottle, guitar, pipe
Bottle, guitar, pipe (2905)
Pablo Picasso. Violon
Violon (2931)
Pablo Picasso. Still life
Still life (2939)
Pablo Picasso. Tavern (The Ham)
Tavern (The Ham) (94)
Pablo Picasso. Head mustachioed man (`Kou`)
Head mustachioed man (`Kou`) (2867)
Pablo Picasso. Spanish Still Life
Spanish Still Life (2803)
Pablo Picasso. Violon pyramidal
Violon pyramidal (2847)
Pablo Picasso. Standing Woman
Standing Woman (2895)
Pablo Picasso. Glass of Pernod and maps
Glass of Pernod and maps (2955)
Pablo Picasso. Guitar, Glass and Newspaper
Guitar, Glass and Newspaper (2825)
Pablo Picasso. Man with hat The interior has `a house
Man with hat The interior has `a house (2858)
Pablo Picasso. Compotier
Compotier (2389)
Pablo Picasso. Female Guitar
Female Guitar (2819)
Pablo Picasso. Head man with a hat
Head man with a hat (2907)
Pablo Picasso. Violiniste
Violiniste (2789)
Pablo Picasso. Man head
Man head (3125)
Pablo Picasso. Man head
Man head (3067)

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