This is a very poor example of this lithograph. Every litho is somewhat different by the very nature of the process. But this one is missing a great deal of background ink all around the image, especially near the bottom that the horses legs blend into. 30 May
#3. monica lopez, usa,fairfield ,ca.
it is actually not done in paint its like i think water colors?or has #290 written on back& had been custom framed by i believe new york graphic society if i am reading everything correcyly on the back of this artwork!?just want to find out iys true value please.thank you! 20 January
#2. monica, USA,FAIRFIELD,CA.
i just purchased this painting would like to know its true value!??? 20 January
#1. paula white, USA, Pleasant Prairie
where is the orginal ??? I was going through my father`s ( he is 95yrs.) things and found one of these and a note saying this is a keeper. 02 March
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12 recent comments
10 January Michael May from Dublin wrote: 'Despite being the same subject as many of his other 1962 works, it is certainly a unique, more colourful and vibrant take. Did Picasso make any other drawings of this type using the same mediums?'
06 September Whodidnarva from Dublin wrote: 'ugly'
14 March em from Dublin wrote: 'gorgeous painting'
24 January Ibrahim from Dublin wrote: 'me la pela el cuadro solo estoy aqui por un trabajo de insti'
01 January Kitty from Lantau Island wrote: 'This guy'
03 December Lucia from Sketchpadussyworld wrote: 'That’s not even a beret'
24 November Lucia from Lucialand wrote: 'Lol did she influence the finder logo?!?!?!'
21 November Martha from Nederland wrote: 'Picasso was een wonderkind. Hij kon als 4 jarige al schilderen als Velasquez. Ik heb woman flower als een hele mooie poster thuis aan de muur.'
26 October Sketch from Crashbox wrote: 'This is disgusting, man'
24 October Sketch from Crashbox wrote: 'What a very cute painting.'
22 October Sketch from Crashbox wrote: 'This one looks scary.'
22 October Sketch from Crashbox wrote: 'Man that’s beautiful'